Efficient Image Synchronization and Change Detection Using XOR-Based PATCH Algorithms in Digital Twin Technology


  • Chandan Mukherjee Department of Digital Technologies, American University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Shiladitya Munshi Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Techno India University, Tripura, Agartala, India
  • Debasmita Das Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Techno India University, Tripura, Agartala, India
  • Debankana Debnath Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Techno India University, Tripura, Agartala, India
  • Diganta Das Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Techno India University, Tripura, Agartala, India


Change Detection of Image, Digital Twin, Image Processing, XOR operations


This paper proposes an efficient XOR-based PATCH algorithm for real-time image synchronization and change detection in Digital Twin Technology. The primary objective is to minimize computational overhead, memory usage, and bandwidth by transmitting only pixel-level changes (PATCH) between physical and digital twins rather than entire image datasets. The proposed algorithm demonstrates versatility by effectively handling black and white, greyscale, and coloured images. Ex- tensions of the algorithm for greyscale and coloured images involve applying XOR operations across intensity levels and RGB channels, respectively, ensuring minimal storage requirements while maintaining synchronization accuracy. Experimental results show that the algorithm scales linearly with image size, significantly improving bandwidth and memory efficiency, particularly in high-resolution images with sparse changes. The scalability and adaptability of the XOR-based PATCH algorithm make it highly suitable for real-time applications in resource-constrained environments, such as IoT-based remote monitoring systems.


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How to Cite

Mukherjee, C., Munshi, S., Das, D., Debnath, D., & Das, D. (2025). Efficient Image Synchronization and Change Detection Using XOR-Based PATCH Algorithms in Digital Twin Technology. International Journal of Engineering and Information Management , 1(1), 1-14. https://ijeim.in/index.php/IJEIM/article/view/9