Plagiarism Policy

To plagiarise is to take another author's thoughts or phrases" and portray them as one's original work by wrongfully appropriating, stealing, and publishing. Journal of Environmental, Pharmaceutical and Sustainability Science (IJEIM) strongly condemns this kind of unauthorised copying.
 Plagiarism is defined as follows:
(i) Changing the words but replicating the sentence structure of a source without providing a reference is considered plagiarism. (ii) Copying words or ideas from someone else without providing a reference is considered plagiarism. (iii) Using someone else's work as your own is unethical. (iv) Putting your name or effort on someone else's essay is considered plagiarism. (v) Failure to enclose a quote inside quotation marks. (vi) Falsely identifying the source of a quote. (vii) Plagiarism cannot be prevented only by altering the terms of a source. No matter how significantly you modify the context or presentation of a source's basic concept, you have plagiarised it if you have not mentioned it. This is true even if you have kept the source's essential idea. On the other hand, most instances of plagiarism may be prevented simply by crediting sources.
Plagiarism may typically be avoided by simply declaring that particular content has been taken and giving your readers the information they need to locate the original source.
 Declaratory statement against plagiarism: 
Upon submitting a work for consideration for publication in International Journal of Engineering and Information Management (IJEIM), the author/authors (all authors of the article) guarantee that:
(i) To ensure that all sources consulted in the writing of the article or project has been recognized and properly cited, writers sign a declaration before submitting their work for publication.
(ii) Using another person's idea or published work to pass it off as one's own is plagiarism, and authors are well aware that doing so is unlawful and bad. They also understand what plagiarism is and how it works. The students are also aware that plagiarism is defined as the intentional appropriation of another person's idea or published work in order to pass it off as one's own.
(iii) Unless otherwise stated, the author(s) take full responsibility for their work, the article's material, and any errors or omissions in the citations.
 We take action against plagiarism-
(i) The double-blind peer-review process ensures the highest quality and fair policy of evaluation and publication to maintain the highest ethical standards and avoid plagiarism. Submitted research articles are assessed and reviewed by specialist Reviewers (one from India and one from abroad) as invited for specific disciplines using the double-blind peer review process to ensure the highest quality and fair policy of evaluation and publication process to maintain the highest ethical standards.
(ii) Executive members of the Journal of Environmental, Pharmaceutical and Sustainability Science (IJEIM) have now double-checked such similarity Index + AI (Artificial Intelligence) with the help of the Journal's Turnitin plagiarism software (Full version Turnitin instructor).
(iii) Provide the author/authors with precise information.